CII: Record date for AGM 2019
On February 11, 2020, Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company announces the record date as follows:
- Record date: March 03, 2020
- Meeting time: Notice later
- Meeting venue: Notice later
- Content:
+ Report on the business result in 2019 and business plan in 2020;
+ Report on the BOD activities;
+ Report from the Supervisory Board;
+ Selection of the auditor for the financial statements in 2020;
+ Profit distribution plan in 2019 and plan for 2020;
+ Other issues.
> FRT: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (12/02/2020)
> DHM: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (12/02/2020)
> S4A: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (12/02/2020)
> SMB: Record date for AGM 2020 (12/02/2020)
> NHH: Board resolution on the investment in VMC (12/02/2020)
> CVN: Change in Business Registration Certificate (12/02/2020)
> QNC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (holding company) (12/02/2020)
> QNC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (12/02/2020)
> SCD: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (12/02/2020)
> TMC: Financial Statement FY 2019 (holding company) (12/02/2020)