SSI: SSI allowed to extend the submission of financial statements
On January 20, 2020, the State Securities Commission issued a document allowing SSI Securities Corporation to extend submission date of financial statements.
- For the quarterly financial statements: within 30 days from the last day of quarter;
> STB: Change of Transaction Office Address (22/01/2020)
> NAW: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (22/01/2020)
> VPA: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (22/01/2020)
> NQN: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (22/01/2020)
> BID: Board resolution on holding Annual General Meeting (22/01/2020)
> DIC: DIC asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (22/01/2020)
> GMC: GMC asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (22/01/2020)
> ITC: ITC allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (22/01/2020)
> VTE: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (22/01/2020)
> SAB: Holding of AGM 2020 (22/01/2020)