PGC: Report on results of trading of shares by affiliated organization - MB Capital
Report on results of trading of shares by affiliated organization - MB Capital of Petrolimex Gas Corporation - JSC as follows:
> SPB: Notice of record date for dividend payment by share for outstanding shareholders, share issue for outstanding shareholders (13/01/2020)
> KOS: Board resolution on the issuance of bid security (13/01/2020)
> HEJ: Notice of transaction of connected institution (State Capital and Investment Corporation) (13/01/2020)
> VCI: BOD approves to issue VND800 billion bonds (13/01/2020)
> CPNJ05MBS19CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (13/01/2020)
> CMWG05MBS19CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (13/01/2020)
> CMWG06MBS19CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (13/01/2020)
> CHDB05MBS19CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (13/01/2020)
> XMC: Notice of record date for seasoned issue (10/01/2020)
> FIR: The record date for issuing shares to raise capital from the owner’s equity (09/01/2020)