NTL: NTL allowed to extend the submission of financial statements
On January 14, 2020, the State Securities Commission issued a document allowing Tu Liem Urban Development Joint Stock Company to extend submission date of financial statements.
- For the quarterly financial statements: within 30 days from the last day of quarter;
- Reviewed semi-annual financial statements: within 60 days from the last day of first six months of fiscal year.
- Audited annual financial statements: within 100 days from the last day of fiscal year.
> NTL: NTL allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (21/01/2020)
> GTN: GTN allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (21/01/2020)
> PTB: PTB allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (21/01/2020)
> EBA: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (21/01/2020)
> ATS: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (21/01/2020)
> DDG: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (21/01/2020)
> AMC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (21/01/2020)
> XHC: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (21/01/2020)
> STP: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (21/01/2020)
> SFN: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2019 (21/01/2020)