DSN: Information on document of 2020 AGM via the website
Dam Sen Water Park Corporation announces the document of Annual General Meeting 2020 via the company’s website: https://www.damsenwaterpark.com.vn.
> TPC: TPC allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> TCD: TCD allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> VSH: VSH allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> BCG: BCG allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> BTT: BTT allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> AST: AST allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> ACC: ACC allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> VPI: VPI allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> SGR: SGR allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)
> VOS: VOS allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (14/01/2020)