ANC11607: Record date of interest rate of 7th payment period On January 22, 2020, Agro Nutrition International Joint Stock Company announces the record date for the seventh bond interest payment as follows:
- Issuer: Agro Nutrition International Joint Stock Company
- Bond name: ANCO09202101
- Bond symbol: ANC11607
- Bond type: corporate bond
- Par value: 100,000 VND/bond
- Exchange floor: HOSE
- Record date: February 17, 2020
- Reason & purpose: to pay the seventh bond interest period of ANC11607 bond (from and including September 01, 2019 to but excluding March 01, 2020.)
- Content:
- Interest rate: 9.850%/year
- Payment amount: VND 4,979.722 for 01 bond
- Payment date: March 02, 2020.
- Place of payment:
- For bondholders whose bonds have been deposited: Bondholders will fulfill procedures to receive bond interest and principal at the securities firms where the bonds have been deposited.
- For bondholders whose bonds have not been deposited: The bond interest and principal will be paid to the bondholders’ accounts which were registered at Techcom Securities Joint Stock Company on March 02, 2020.