HVA: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019
HVA Investment Joint Stock Company announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019.
> LPB: Establishment of 02 Transaction Offices of Lien Viet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank (12/11/2019)
> PGN: Correction of financial statement of Q.III of 2019 (12/11/2019)
> CAP: Financial Statement FY 2019 (12/11/2019)
> HPI: Reviewed financial statement 2019 (12/11/2019)
> PGT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (12/11/2019)
> NRC: Change in the Business Registration Certificate (12/11/2019)
> PVA: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of QIII.2019 year on year (11/11/2019)
> NBR: Board resolution on selecting the Audit Company for financial statements of 2019 (11/11/2019)
> QPH: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (holding company) (11/11/2019)
> HRT: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of Q.III of 2019 year on year (11/11/2019)