PGN: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019
Plastic Additives Joint Stock Company announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019.
> LAS: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (24/10/2019)
> SMT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (23/10/2019)
> SCL: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (23/10/2019)
> SJC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (23/10/2019)
> PPE: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (23/10/2019)
> KSD: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of Q. III of 2019 year on year (23/10/2019)
> KTS: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of Q. I of 2020 year on year (23/10/2019)
> DGC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (23/10/2019)
> DGC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (holding company) (23/10/2019)
> AAV: Explanation for the difference in profit at the Financial Statement of Quarter III. 2019 year on year (23/10/2019)