MGG: Notice of record date for bonus share issue to outstanding shareholders
1. Issuer: Duc Giang Corporation 2. Stock code: MGG 3. Par value: VND10,000/share 4. Record date: 14/10/2019 5. Ex-date: 11/10/2019 6. Reason: * Bonus share issue to outstanding shareholders: - Exercise rate: 1:0,25327 ( 25.327%/ share) - Exercise place: + For undeposited shares: Duc Giang Corporation on working days . Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. In case of authorization, a proxy with certified seal of the local authority is further requested in addition to the mentioned above + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited - Rounding method, handling of shares representing less than one unit: Number of shares received will be rounded down to units digit. Odd shares will be deleted
> POT: Notice of renewing the collecting time over votes from shareholders about the plan on share issuance (04/10/2019)
> DP3: Report on use of proceeds collected from the share issuance to raise the charter capital from VND 68 billion up to VND 86 billion (02/10/2019)
> LDP: Notice of transaction of connected institution (State Capital and Investment Corporation - SCIC) (01/10/2019)
> KAC: Information disclosure about contributing capital to subsidiary (30/09/2019)
> DTD: Results of share issue under the ESOP (30/09/2019)
> APF: Contributing capital and assigning representative to manage the capital contributed into EaKar Tapioca Joint Stock Company (26/09/2019)
> IDJ: Board Resolution on IBond_2019.09.50 issuance (26/09/2019)
> MBS: Information disclosure about the 3rd unconvertible bond issuance of 2019 (25/09/2019)
> NHA: Issue shares for dividend payment (25/09/2019)