Thursday, 19/09/2019 16:12

HNX: Notice of the violations in UPCOM market because of late announcement of Reviewed Semi-annual Financial statements 2019

Pursuant to the Regulation on organization and management of securities trading market of UPCoM companies at Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX), issued together with Decision No. 455/QD-SGDHN dated 20 June, 2017 of the General Director of HNX, HNX announces a reminder on violation on the whole market for the following stock codes::

STT Code Status
1 BDC Normal
2 BT6 Normal
3 CC4 Normal
4 EVF Normal
5 HPI Normal
6 PPI Normal
7 SD3 Normal
8 TMG Normal
9 AMP Trading restriction
10 FDG Trading restriction
11 G20 Trading restriction
12 JOS Trading restriction
13 KHL Trading restriction
14 MES Trading restriction
15 NTB Trading restriction
16 PSG Trading restriction
17 PVA Trading restriction
18 PX1 Trading restriction
19 PXA Trading restriction
20 PXC Trading restriction
21 SDD Trading restriction
22 SDH Trading restriction
23 STL Trading restriction
24 TCK Trading restriction
25 VTG Trading restriction
26 VVN Trading restriction
27 BAM Trading suspended
28 BGM Trading suspended
29 KSA Trading suspended
30 KSS Trading suspended
31 KTB Trading suspended
32 MTM Trading suspended
33 PTK Trading suspended
34 VSP Trading suspended
  • Late in information disclosure of Reviewed Semi- annual Financial statement 2019 (over 30 days)
  • For the stocks have normal trading status, is they continue to be late in submit information (over 45 days), they shall be put in trading suspended status for 5 trading days.


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