VE4: Reviewed financial statement 2019
VNECO4 Electricity Construction JSC announced the company's Reviewed financial statement of 2019.
> IDJ: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (holding company) (07/08/2019)
> L18: Reviewed financial statement 2019 (07/08/2019)
> VLG: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (07/08/2019)
> VIN: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (07/08/2019)
> VFC: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (07/08/2019)
> SSN: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (07/08/2019)
> TL4: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (07/08/2019)
> SGP: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (07/08/2019)
> SDI: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (07/08/2019)
> HAT: Reviewed financial statement 2019 (07/08/2019)