RCL: Notice of record date for cash dividend payment and share issue
1. Issuer: Cho Lon Real Estate JSC 2. Stock code: RCL 3. Par value: VND10,000/share 4. Record date: 14/08/2019 5. Ex-date: 13/08/2019 6. Reason: * Dividend payment in cash: - Exercise rate: 5%/share (Shareholders are entitled to receive VND 500 for every share they own) - Exercise date: 28/08/2019 - Place of payment: + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited. + For undeposited shares: Cho Lon Real Estate JSC (No. 118 Hung Phu, Ward 8, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City) on working days from 28/08/2019. Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. * Share issue to outstanding shareholders: - Number of shares to be issued: 5,039,572 shares - Exercise rate: 3:2 (Shareholders are entitled to buy 2 new shares for every 3 shares they own). - Issue price: VND 12,000/share. - Rounding method: Number of shares received will be rounded down to units digit. - For odd lot shares and undistributed shares: Odd shares and unsold shares will be distributed to other subjects with price not lower than that offered to outstanding shareholders. - Blocked account: + Account name: Cho Lon Real Estate JSC + Bank name: Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank + Account number: 2947997 - Stock type: free transfer - Time for transfer of purchase rights: + Start date: 23/08/2019 + End date: 23/09/2019 - Time for registration: + Start date: 23/08/2019 + End date: 30/09/2019 - Exercise Place: + For undeposited shares: Cho Lon Real Estate JSC on working days . Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited. - Times for transfer of share purchase rights: Share purchase rights can be transferred once. It can not be transferred to the third party.
> HHP: Notice of record date for dividend payment by share to outstanding shareholders (05/08/2019)
> BIO: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash (02/08/2019)
> NS3: Information disclosure about the share issuance for dividend payment (01/08/2019)
> BHA: Cash dividend payment in 2018 (01/08/2019)
> KTC: Record date for 2018 dividend payment in cash (30/07/2019)
> VLP: Board decision on 2018 dividend payment in cash (30/07/2019)
> HDW: Notice of record date for dividend payment by cash (30/07/2019)
> AMV: Notice of share issue for dividend payment (30/07/2019)
> GVR: Notice of record date for dividend payment by cash (29/07/2019)
> TTD: Notice of record date for advanced dividend payment of the first period year 2019 (29/07/2019)