XMC: Notice of transaction of connected institution
> NVL11715: Record date for interest rate for 4th bond interest and principal payment (15/07/2019)
> CII11713: Notice of interest and principal payment of CII_BOND2017-04 (15/07/2019)
> DT4: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Van Tang) (15/07/2019)
> GVT: Nguyen Quang Hung is no longer principal shareholder (15/07/2019)
> GVT: Ho Thi Kim Phuong is no longer principal shareholder (15/07/2019)
> HAD: Result of transaction of connected person (Dang Thi Nguyet) (12/07/2019)
> CVN: Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang is no longer principal shareholder (12/07/2019)
> TDH: Report on Change in Ownership by Major Shareholders - KWE BETILIGUNGEN AG (12/07/2019)
> GEX: Report on Change in Ownership by Major Shareholders (12/07/2019)
> GVT: Notice of transaction of connected person (Nguyen Phuong Thao) (12/07/2019)