As of July 09, 2019, pursuant to Regulation on organization and management of UPCoM of HNX attached to Decision No.455/QD-SGDHN dated June 20, 2017, HNX announced the change of reason for trading restriction to
TCK stock as follows:
- Issuer: Construction Machinery Corporation -
- Stock code: TCK
- Previous reason for trading restriction:
+ Information disclosure is delayed more than 45 days for the reviewed 2018 semi-annual financial statements, the 2018 financial statements have been reviewed and no corrective measures have been taken.. According to Point b, Item 1, Article 31 and Point a, Item 1, Article 32 of the Trading Regulation, the stock is put under restriction
- Auditing organization refuses to give an audit opinion on the consolidated financial statements of 2018. According to Point d, Item 1, Article 32 of the Trading Regulation, the stock is put under restriction.
HNX shall inform normal trading resuming of TCK after the Company has remedied the causes leading to trading restriction status according to Regulation on trading registration.