SJF: SJF signs an audit contract
Sunstar Investment Joint Stock Company (stock code: SJF) announces that it signed an audit contract with Vietland Auditing – Consulting Company Limited (Vietland) to audit SJF’s financial statements in 2019.
> SMB: SMB signs an audit contract (02/07/2019)
> PJT: PJT signs an audit contract (02/07/2019)
> NSC: NSC signs an audit contract (02/07/2019)
> LM8: Board resolution on choosing an audit company (02/07/2019)
> LMH: LMH signs an audit contract (02/07/2019)
> HAI: HAI signs an audit contract (02/07/2019)
> HT1: HT1 signs an audit contract (02/07/2019)
> PAN: PAN signs an audit contract for 2019 (02/07/2019)
> ONE: Selection of auditor for fiscal year 2019 (02/07/2019)
> KST: Selection of auditor for fiscal year 2019 (02/07/2019)