PVT: Report on the day nolonger being major shareholders - Shinhan Bank
Report on the day nolonger being major shareholders - Shinhan Bank of PetroVietNam Transportation Corporation as follows:
> PVT: Report on Change in Ownership by Major Shareholders - Yuri Vietnam (17/07/2019)
> ABR: Correction reports on the day becoming major shareholders (17/07/2019)
> DTN: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Thi Thu Thao) (17/07/2019)
> DRI: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Thach Hoanh) (17/07/2019)
> TNA: Report affiliated person trade (17/07/2019)
> TMS: Notification Affiliated person trade (17/07/2019)
> TMS: Report affiliated person trade (17/07/2019)
> KPF: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (17/07/2019)
> NKG: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (17/07/2019)
> ILB: Notification Affiliated person trade (17/07/2019)