NLS: Change in personnel
The company announced the change in personnel as follows: Mr. Phuong Manh Hao and Mr. Tran Quang Huy have been approved as Deputy Managers with effective date as 01/8/2019 for 5-year term.
> SC5: Person in charge of Corporate Governance appointment (25/07/2019)
> NPM11804: Personnel change (25/07/2019)
> NPM11805: Personnel change (25/07/2019)
> VIS: Person in charge of Corporate Governance appointment (25/07/2019)
> CSI: Resignation letter from Chair of Board of Directors (24/07/2019)
> DDG: Change in personnel (24/07/2019)
> HAR: Change of personnel (24/07/2019)
> SBT: Change of personnel (24/07/2019)
> BMI: Change of personnel (24/07/2019)
> HAH: Change of personnel (24/07/2019)