HSM: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (holding company)
Hanoi Textile and Garment Joint Stock Corporation announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 of holding company.
> HTG: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (holding company) (30/07/2019)
> WSS: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (30/07/2019)
> VCG: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (holding company) (30/07/2019)
> VLA: Reviewed financial statement 2019 (30/07/2019)
> SBS: Reviewed financial statement 2019 (30/07/2019)
> VSF: Change of meeting time of General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 (30/07/2019)
> NHP: Notice of unsuccessfully organizing the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 (30/07/2019)
> EID: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (30/07/2019)
> EID: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (holding company) (30/07/2019)
> TUG: Board resolution on organizing an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 (30/07/2019)