BDT: Notice of transaction of connected person (Tran Van Duc)
- Name of issuer: DongThap Building Materials & Construction Joint Stock Company - Stock code: BDT - Securities type: Common stock - Name of connected person: Tran Van Duc) - Name of person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: Tran Thi Thuy Hang - Position in the listed company: Deputy general director; Member of B.O.D - Relation between connected person and PDMR/Director: Sibling - Number of shares held by connected person before transaction: 9,100 shares - Number of shares to be disposed: 7,000 shares - Nature of transaction: Order matching - Purpose of transaction: Personal need - Expected Start date of transaction: 16/07/2019 - Expected End date of transaction: 14/08/2019
> LKW: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Dao Quy Tinh) (15/07/2019)
> PMT: Dang Viet Phuong is no longer principal shareholder (15/07/2019)
> PMT: New principal shareholder - Create Capital Viet Nam JSC (15/07/2019)
> REE: Notice of Trading of Shares of affiliated organization - Platinum Victory (15/07/2019)
> REE: Report on results of trading of shares by affiliated organization - Platinum Victory (15/07/2019)
> TDM: Report on Change in Ownership by Major Shareholders (15/07/2019)
> THG: Notification Affiliated person trade (15/07/2019)
> VJC: Notification Affiliated person trade (15/07/2019)
> ITC: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (15/07/2019)
> LHG: Notification Affiliated person trade (15/07/2019)