AAA: Report on the use of capital from the bond issuance with warrants in 2018
An Phat Bioplastics Joint Stock Company reports the use of capital from the bond issuance with warrants in 2018 as follows:
> HCM: Periodic report on bond interest & principal payment (25/07/2019)
> PDR: Adjustment of the plan for the fifth bond issuance of 2019 (25/07/2019)
> Eximbank to issue bonds worth $215 mln (25/07/2019)
> HNX: Trading results of Corporate bond on 24/07/2019 (24/07/2019)
> HNX: Trading results of Corporate bond on 23/07/2019 (24/07/2019)
> MBB: Acquire investors bonds before the maturity (24/07/2019)
> HDB: Board approves to issue VND3,000 billion bonds (24/07/2019)
> VPD: Plan for bond issuance (23/07/2019)
> VPB: Result of bond issuance (23/07/2019)
> HNX: Trading results of Corporate bond on 22/07/2019 (22/07/2019)