NHT: 07/06/2019, First trading day of additional trading registration shares
- Name of the issuer: Nam Hoa Trading and Production Corporation - Stock code: NHT - Securities type: Common stock - Par value: VND 10,000/share - Total volume of additional registered shares: 3,419,318 shares - Total par value of additional registered shares: VND 34,193,180,000 - Total volume after additional trading registration: 10,282,518 shares - Total par value after additional trading registration: VND 102,825,180,000 - First trading date: 07/06/2019
> BPW: 17/06/2019, first trading day of additional trading registration shares (07/06/2019)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (07/06/2019)
> EVS: 14/06/2019, delisting day of stock on UPCoM (EVS) (07/06/2019)
> VIC: Announcement of the change of listing (07/06/2019)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (06/06/2019)
> FCN: Announcement of the change of listing (06/06/2019)
> VGI: 11/06/2019, First trading day of additional trading registration shares (06/06/2019)
> HNX: 11/06/2019, first trading day of new stock on UPCoM (PWA) (05/06/2019)
> HNX: 14/06/2019, first trading day of new stock on UPCoM (SDD) (05/06/2019)