MBB.HSC.MET01: Notice of issue of covered warrant
Notice of issue of covered warrant of MBB.HSC.MET01 as follows:
> EMC: Result of a share issuance (18/06/2019)
> EMC: Report on result of stock issuance (18/06/2019)
> PTG: Notice about the share issuance under ESOP (17/06/2019)
> SBT: Report on the result of bonds issuance (17/06/2019)
> DC4: Results of share issue for dividend payment (17/06/2019)
> MSN: Notice of stock issuance for the ESOP (17/06/2019)
> DDN: Results of share issue for dividend payment (14/06/2019)
> HPI: Report on progress of capital use in 2019 (14/06/2019)
> PNJ: Result of stock issuance to pay raise capital (14/06/2019)
> HPG: Result of stock issuance to pay dividend (14/06/2019)