IMP: Board approves agreements with two associated companies
The Board of Directors of Imexpharm Corporation authorized Mr. Nguyen Quoc Dinh, Board Chairman, and Ms. Tran Thi Dao, Deputy Chairwoman cum CEO, to execute deals and signs agreements and related documents with Imexpharm’s associated companies including (1) AGIMEXPHARM Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Agimexpharm) and (2) S.PHARM Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (S.Pharm).
> SBA: Business performance in Q1.2019 & plan for Q2.2019 (04/06/2019)
> DIG: DIC Corp completes the purchase of DIC.Bond.2014 (04/06/2019)
> E1VFVN30: NAV 02 Jun 2019 (04/06/2019)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement after exchange trading 31 May 2019 (04/06/2019)
> POT: Notice of record date for a ballot (04/06/2019)
> CII: Information on answering the questions to shareholders (04/06/2019)
> PTL: Notice of trading of shares by an internal shareholder - Dinh Viet Thanh (04/06/2019)
> VHC: Notice of trading of shares by an internal shareholder - Phan Thi Kim Hoa (04/06/2019)
> DPM: Notice of trading of shares by an internal shareholder - Hoang Viet Dung (04/06/2019)
> Dragon Capital sold 1.7 million shares of PNJ (04/06/2019)