VTO: BOD resolution on cash dividend for 2018
On May 09, 2019, the Board resolution of Viet Nam Tanker Joint Stock Company approved to pay cash dividend for 2018 as follows:
- Record date: May 31, 2019
- Exercise ratio: 9%/par value (900 dongs/share)
- Payment date: June 21, 2019.
> VIB: VIB received approval for plan to distribute profit and pay dividend of 2018 of the Bank from the State Bank of Vietnam (13/05/2019)
> VDN: Announcement of paying dividend of 2018 (13/05/2019)
> GIL: BOD approves to plan the stock issuance to pay dividend (13/05/2019)
> TMP: Record date for remaining 2018 cash dividend (13/05/2019)
> SBV: Record date for 2018 cash dividend (13/05/2019)
> HOT: Record date for 2018 cash dividend (13/05/2019)
> Vietnam Airlines (HAN) spends over VND1.4 trillion on dividend payments (11/05/2019)
> KBC: Periodic report on bond interest & principal payment (10/05/2019)
> VPG: Notice of stock issuance for dividend payment (10/05/2019)
> VPG: Notice of the record date for the 2018 dividend payment (10/05/2019)