DNP: Extension of time to hold the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2019
DongNai Plastic Construction JSC has been approved the extension of time to hold Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2019. The meeting must be held within 6 months from the end of the fiscal year.
> HKB: Extension of time to hold the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2019 (04/05/2019)
> HUT: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2019 (holding company) (04/05/2019)
> CEO: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2019 (04/05/2019)
> DNP: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2019 (holding company) (04/05/2019)
> ALT: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2019 (04/05/2019)
> ALT: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2019 (holding company) (04/05/2019)
> ADC: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2019 (04/05/2019)
> CEO: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2019 (holding company) (04/05/2019)
> VTE: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 (04/05/2019)
> FDG: Extension of time to hold the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2019 (04/05/2019)