DLG: BOD resolution on the holding of AGM 2019
On May 07, 2019, the Board of Directors of Duc Long Gia Lai Group Joint Stock Company approved the holding of Annual General Meeting 2019 as follows:
- Record date: May 27, 2019
- Meeting time: expected in June 29, 2019
- Meeting venue: 90 Le Duan, Phu Dong, Pleiku, Gia Lai.
- Content:
+ Report on the BOD activities in 2018 and plan for 2019;
+ Approving the audited financial statements in 2018 by AAC Auditing and Accounting Com Ltd;
+ Other issues.
> DTT: Holding AGM 2019 (08/05/2019)
> ITD: Record date for 2019 AGM (08/05/2019)
> DIC: Record date for 2019 AGM (08/05/2019)
> LM8: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2019 (08/05/2019)
> NTL: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2019 (08/05/2019)
> MBB: MBB allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (08/05/2019)
> THI: THI allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (08/05/2019)
> KDC: KDC allowed to extend the time for holding AGM 2019 (08/05/2019)
> BIC: BIC allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (08/05/2019)
> PGV: Financial Statement Q.1 2019 (08/05/2019)