Tuesday, 14/05/2019 11:19

BCG: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2019

Bamboo Capital Joint Stock Company announces Resolution of 2019 AGM as follows:

  1. Approving the BOD’s operation reports in 2018 and plans in 2019.
  2. Approving controlled reports of the Supervisory Board in 2018 and for 2019.
  3. Approving 2018 financial statements and profit distribution.
  4. Approving compensation fund for the BOD & the Supervisory Board.
  5. Approving the audited firm chosen for 2019 financial statements.
  6. Approving private placement of convertible bond.
  7. Approving personnel changes.
  8. Approving changes of the company’s Charter and Operation regulation.
  9. Approving Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh replaced Mr. Jung In Sub as a member of the BOD in the term 2015-2020.
  10. Approving Mr. Nguyen Dang Hai and Mr. Nguyen Viet Cuong replaced Mr. Tan Bo Quan and Mr. Duong Duc Hung as members of the Supervisory Board in the term 2015-2020.
  11. Resolution is valid as of May 10, 2019.


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>   CSV: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2019 (14/05/2019)

>   FCS: Financial Statement FY 2018 (14/05/2019)

>   BHT: Notice of record date for AGM 2019 (14/05/2019)

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