MSH: Result of the ESOP
Song Hong Garment Joint Stock Company has reported the result of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) as follows:
> HDG: BOD resolution on planning the stock issuance to pay dividend for 2018 (23/04/2019)
> CRE: BOD resolution on stock issuance for capital increase (23/04/2019)
> SMC: Announcement of redemption of ESOP shares (23/04/2019)
> DIG: Resolution on stock issuance for capital increase (23/04/2019)
> NRC: Report on result from the share issuance of NRC (22/04/2019)
> HID: Stock issuance to pay dividend for 2017 (22/04/2019)
> CMG: BOD resolution on increasing charter capital for CMC TS (22/04/2019)
> AAM: Result of stock issuance for capital increase (22/04/2019)
> PTG: Share issuance under ESOP (19/04/2019)
> VHM: Information on the transfer of capital in the subsidiary (19/04/2019)