SGD: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash
1. Issuer: Educational Book JSC in Ho Chi Minh City 2. Stock code: SGD 3. Par value: VND 10,000/share 4. Record date: 05/04/2019 5. Ex-date: 04/04/2019 6. Reason: * Dividend payment in cash: - Exercise rate: 2%/share (01 share - VND 200) - Exercise date: 19/04/2019 - Place of payment: + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited. + For undeposited shares: Educational Book JSC in Ho Chi Minh City ((363 Hung Phu, Ward 9, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City) on working days from 19/04/2019. Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. In case of authorization, a proxy with certified seal of the local authority is further requested in addition to the mentioned above.
> VLW: Notice on the payment price of shares at the auction session dated 14 March 2019 (20/03/2019)
> ND2: Notice of the record date to implement the remaining dividend payment of 2018 with the rate of 10 percent (19/03/2019)
> HCM_0306: Record date for bond interest payment (19/03/2019)
> SBH: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 and Dividend payment in cash (19/03/2019)
> VCW: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 and Dividend payment in cash (19/03/2019)
> PCC: Notice on record date for dividend advance in cash and annual General meeting of Shareholders 2019 (18/03/2019)
> NNG: Notice of record date for paying dividend by treasury share to existing shareholders (18/03/2019)
> CAT: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash (18/03/2019)
> VGG: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 and Dividend payment in cash (18/03/2019)
> SRT: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 and Dividend payment in cash (15/03/2019)