RDP: BOD resolution on the holding of AGM 2019 On February 18, 2019, the Board of Directors of RangDong Plastic Joint-Stock Company approved the holding of Annual General Meeting 2019 as follows:
- Record date: March 26, 2019
- Meeting time: expected in April 27, 2019
- Meeting venue: lot H1-H9, Street No.8, Tan Do Industrial zone, Duc Hoa Ha Commune, Duc Hoa District, Long An Province.
- Content:
+ Report on the Board of Directors activities in 2018;
+ Report from the Supervisory Board in 2018;
+ Report on the business result in 2018;
+ Report on the business plan in 2019;
+ Audited financial statements in 2018;
+ Report on the dividend payment in 2018;
+ Other issues.