POW: POW asks for the extension of submission of financial statements
PetroVietnam Power Corporation sent documents to HOSE to ask for the extension of submission for financial statements.
- For the quarterly financial statements: within 30 days from the last day of quarter;
- Reviewed semi-annual financial statements: within 60 days from the last day of first six months of fiscal year.
- Audited annual financial statements: within 100 days from the last day of fiscal year.
However, the request of POW will be reviewed by the State Securities Commission.
> ACL: ACL asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (09/01/2019)
> BTT: BTT asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (09/01/2019)
> PAN: Changes in 18th Business Registration Certificate (09/01/2019)
> SMT: Notice of record date for AGM 2019 (08/01/2019)
> C12: Documents for General Meeting of Shareholders (08/01/2019)
> BTN: Notice of record date for AGM 2019 (08/01/2019)
> TNT: Changes in 20th Business Registration Certificate (08/01/2019)
> IDI: Changes in 17th Business Registration Certificate (08/01/2019)
> FIT: FIT allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (08/01/2019)
> HAH: HAH asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (08/01/2019)