TNI: Change of personnel
Thanh Nam Group Joint Stock Company announced personnel change as follows:
- Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh replaced Ms. Ha Thi Hai Van as CFO.
- Effective date: December 18, 2018.
> FIT: Change of personnel (21/12/2018)
> S4A: Resolution on the Independent Board Member (21/12/2018)
> ANV: Change of personnel (20/12/2018)
> JVC: Change of personnel (20/12/2018)
> BHN: Head of Supervisory Board resignation (20/12/2018)
> CCH: Mr. Nguyen Phuong Dong is appointed as representative of capital (20/12/2018)
> CCH: Mr. Nguyen Phuong Dong is appointed as representative of capital of Urban Infrastructure Development Investment Corporation (20/12/2018)
> SCR: Resolution on the appointment Deputy CEO (19/12/2018)
> HAI: Resolution on the appointment Deputy CEO (19/12/2018)
> DCM: Change of personnel (19/12/2018)