CPI: Change in personnel
The company announced the change in personnel as follows:
> DCS: Change in personnel (05/12/2018)
> GTS: Pause in operation of Traffic Engineering Construction One Member Company Limited No. 1 (05/12/2018)
> PVL: Resignation letter of member of the Supervisory Board (05/12/2018)
> TCE11721: Resolution on the appointment a member of the BOD (04/12/2018)
> TCE11723: Resolution on the appointment a member of the BOD (04/12/2018)
> HLG: Change of personnel (04/12/2018)
> KPF: Change of personnel (04/12/2018)
> KSH: Change of personnel (04/12/2018)
> SVT: Change of personnel (04/12/2018)
> AVC: Change in personnel (04/12/2018)