PAN: Result of the ESOP
The PAN Group Joint Stock Company has reported the result of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) as follows:
> SCR: Increasing charter capital (30/11/2018)
> MWG: BoD approves to issue shares to the ESOP (30/11/2018)
> CTR: Report on result from the share issuance for dividend payment 2017 (30/11/2018)
> KSB: Result of the ESOP (28/11/2018)
> CSC: Information disclosure on issuing share to raise charter capital from owner’s equity (28/11/2018)
> HDP: The State Securities Commission receives report on issue of share under ESOP of the Company (27/11/2018)
> NHH: Notice of record date for bonus share issue to outstanding shareholders (27/11/2018)
> STG: Stock issuance to pay dividend (26/11/2018)
> HTN: Stock issuance to pay dividend (26/11/2018)
> MIG: Notice of transaction of connected institution (MB capital management JSC) (23/11/2018)