HOT: BOD resolution dated October 31, 2018 Hoi An Tourist Holding Company announces the Board resolution No.38 dated October 31, 2018 as follows:
1. Approving the business result in Q3.2018:
- Revenue: 56,690,630,076 dongs, reached 98.91% plan and decreased 0.68% YoY;
- Profit before tax: 9,644,696,803 dongs, reached 132.03% and increased 39.33% YoY.
2. Approving to liquidate the machinery of Hoi An Laundry Enterprise.
3. Approving the investment project for Tam Thanh Resort (phase 2) and the plan for the transfer of shares of Hoi An Travel Com. Ltd. These issues will have a meeting in November. HOSE