VCA: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2018
VnSteel - Vicasa Joint Stock Company announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 3/2018.
> TA9: Change in Business Registration Certificate (10/10/2018)
> HAN: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (consolidated) (10/10/2018)
> M10: Change in business registration certificate (10/10/2018)
> PBP: Change in Business Registration Certificate (10/10/2018)
> VRE: BOD resolution on setting up branches (10/10/2018)
> SVC: Decision on adjusting the business plan in 2018 (10/10/2018)
> VCB: Change of name and location of branch (10/10/2018)
> HEV: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2018 (10/10/2018)
> TCD: Changes in 14th Business Registration Certificate (10/10/2018)
> DHC: BOD resolution on adjusting the plan on the use of the proceeds from the issuance (10/10/2018)