PPP: Results of the private placement
> Điểm tin giao dịch 17.10.2018 (17/10/2018)
> Market Summary 17.10.2018 (17/10/2018)
> VIB: Notice of the State Securities Commission (17/10/2018)
> TAW: Information disclosure about the record date for collecting shareholders’ opinion in writing on change in headquarter of the Company (17/10/2018)
> SPV: Board Resolution (17/10/2018)
> VID: Change of website and email address (17/10/2018)
> SCJ: Extraordinary General Mandate 2018 (17/10/2018)
> HOSE: List of the securities satisfying the conditions of warrants’ underlying securities and the limitation for offering in Quarter IV.2018 (17/10/2018)
> HOSE: ALV, VMI removed from VNX Allshare (17/10/2018)
> AMS: Notice of the changes in the content and purpose of Notice No.16/ 2018/ TB - AMECC on the record date of recording the list of shareholders dated 12/10/2018 (17/10/2018)