PME: BOD approves the additional content of 2018 EGM
On October 18, 2018, the Board of Directors of Pymepharco Joint Stock Company approved the additional content of Extraordinary General Meeting 2018 (EGM) with the following content:
1. Announced content:
- Approving to raise the ownership ratio of the company’s foreign investor from 49% to 100% and to adjust its business lines;
- Approving to amend its charter;
- Approving the resignation of the BOD member and the additional election of the BOD member for the period 2016 – 2021.
2. Additional content:
- Approving the Stada Service Holding B.V and/or related institution will be increased their holding ratio from 49% to 72% of the total number of issued shares without the public tender offer.
> VIB: Approval of the State Bank (22/10/2018)
> UCT: Notice of the average reference price of 30 continuous transaction days on Upcom (22/10/2018)
> VFC: Board Resolution (22/10/2018)
> THU: Dismissal and election of the Administrator of the Company and the Secretary of Board of Directors (22/10/2018)
> YBC: Admission trading of additional registration shares (YBC) (22/10/2018)
> MSR: 25/10/2018, first trading date of additional share on UPCoM (MSR) (22/10/2018)
> VCB: Approving the package "the procurement of Router" (22/10/2018)
> ORS: SSC suspends securities proprietary trading for ORS (22/10/2018)
> VCB: Approving the package “Investment and maintaining of 112 ATMs” (22/10/2018)
> NLG: Notification Insider Transaction (22/10/2018)