HRC: BOD resolution on adjusting the business plan in 2018 On October 30, 2018, the Board resolution of Hoa Binh Rubber Joint Stock Company (HRC) approves to adjust its business plan in 2018 with the following contents:
The business target:
- Total revenue: VND136,266 million
- Total expenses: VND132,566 million
- Profit before tax: VND3,700 million
- Profit before tax: VND3,330 million
- Profit after tax/revenue rate: 2.72%
- Profit after tax/charter capital rate: 1.22%
- To pay the budget: 7,772 million
- Total investment capital: VND34,606 million; Of which
+ Capital for construction work: VND30,410 million
+ To repay the bank loan: VND4,196 million
+ Long-term financial investments: 0
- Capital resources: VND34,606 million. HOSE