DTL: Resolution on stock issuance for dividend payment
The Board of Directors of Dai Thien Loc Corporation approved todividend payment:
> PAC: Notice of the record date for the first phase of 2018 dividend payment (25/09/2018)
> PAC: Resolution on the dividend payment (25/09/2018)
> ACB: Notice of results of the share issue for dividend payment (25/09/2018)
> CTS: Result of stock issuance for 2017 dividend payment (24/09/2018)
> CTS: Approving the result of shares issuance for dividend payment (24/09/2018)
> FCN: Resolution on the dividend payment (24/09/2018)
> HPX: HPX to implement stock issuance to pay dividend (24/09/2018)
> HBW: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash (21/09/2018)
> TV2: Notice of record date for Dividend payment by share (21/09/2018)