VHG: Change of Head Office Address
Quang Nam Rubber Investment Joint Stock Company disclosed the change of head office address as follows:
New address: Lot 04, Dien Nam – Dien Ngoc Industrial park, Dien Ngoc ward, Dien Ban Town, Quang Nam province.
> STB: Change of name and address branch and transaction office (27/08/2018)
> VNT: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (27/08/2018)
> VIE: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (27/08/2018)
> VNT: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (holding company) (27/08/2018)
> VGC: Report on use of proceeds from the public offering (27/08/2018)
> HHG: Change in the Business Registration Certificate (27/08/2018)
> CMC: Explanation for the difference in the financial statement of the first 6 months of 2018 year on year (27/08/2018)
> CT6: Explanation for the difference in the financial statement of the first 6 months of 2018 year on year (27/08/2018)
> API: Explanation for the difference in the financial statement of QII.2018 year on year (27/08/2018)
> APS: Explanation for the negative 2018 profit after tax (27/08/2018)