L43: Explanation for the difference in the financial statement of the first 6 months of 2018 year on year
> KHS: Explanation for the difference in the financial statements (17/08/2018)
> QTC: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (holding company) (17/08/2018)
> QTC: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (17/08/2018)
> QHD: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (17/08/2018)
> VCR: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (17/08/2018)
> VC3: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (holding company) (17/08/2018)
> VC3: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (17/08/2018)
> VAT: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (17/08/2018)
> PCG: Explanation for the reviewed financial statement (17/08/2018)
> MST: Reviewed financial statement 2018 (17/08/2018)