DRL: BODs Resolution on business performance in the first 06 months of 2018 On August 15, 2018, the Board of Directors of Hydro Power Joint Stock Company – Power No.3 approved the business performance in the first 06 months of 2018 as follows:
Approving the business performance in in the first 06 months of 2018:
- Output: 28.71 million kWh, achieved 39.88% plan
- Total revenue: 47.71 billion dongs, achieved 56.12% plan
- Total expensive: 14.91 billion dongs, achieved 41.57% plan
- Profit before tax: 32.80 billion dongs, achieved 66.74% plan
- Profit after tax: 30.89 billion dongs, achieved 67.10% plan
- Expected dividend: 30.72%/share, achieved 67.47% plan