CRE supplements the listing registration documents
On August 08, 2018, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Official Document No.1244/SGDHCM-NY about completing the listing registration documents of Century Real EstateJoint Stock Company (CRE). The Corporation was required to fulfill documents for the listing of shares on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange.
> PSD: 14/8/2018, first trading day of additional listed shares (09/08/2018)
> NDX: 14/8/2018, first trading day of additional listed shares (09/08/2018)
> ASG: Submitting the listing registration documents (09/08/2018)
> CRC: Create Capital., JSC: Decision on initial listing (09/08/2018)
> CHP: Announcement of the change of listing (09/08/2018)
> PSD: Official admission of additional listing of PSD (09/08/2018)
> HHG: First trading day of additional listed shares (08/08/2018)
> HOSE: TTB to transfer listing from HNX to HOSE (08/08/2018)
> TNG: First trading day of additional listed shares (08/08/2018)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (06/08/2018)