YEG: YEG allowed to extend the submission of financial statements
On July 11, 2018, the State Securities Commission issued a document allowing Yeah1 Group Corporation to extend submission date of financial statements.
- Reviewed semi-annual financial statements: within 60 days from the last day of first six months of fiscal year.
> BID: Changes of addresses of Phu Quoc Branch (16/07/2018)
> CTX: Notice of holding the second AGM 2018 (16/07/2018)
> CMC: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2018 (16/07/2018)
> HAV: Time and Place for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018 (16/07/2018)
> SWC: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2018 (holding company) (16/07/2018)
> SVH: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2018 (16/07/2018)
> NKG: Changes in 24th Business Registration Certificate (16/07/2018)
> CCR: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2018 (holding company) (13/07/2018)
> CCR: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2018 (13/07/2018)
> IVS: Documents for extraordinary AGM 2018 (13/07/2018)