EVG: EVG changes the record date for dividend payment
According to the Board Resolution dated June 25, 2018, the Board of Directors of Everland Investment Joint Stock Company approved the record date for cash dividend payment for 2017 as follows:
- Record date: July 10, 2018
- Payment ratio: 5%/share (500 dongs for a share)
- Payment date: July 30, 2018.
> DNP: Notice of record date for dividend payment by share, share issue to outstanding shareholders (02/07/2018)
> DC4: Notice of record date for cash dividend payment (02/07/2018)
> DDN: Notice of record date for Dividend payment by share (02/07/2018)
> VE3: Notice of record date for Dividend payment in cash (02/07/2018)
> DDN: Notice of share issue for dividend payment (02/07/2018)
> BRC: Board resolution on dividend payment (29/06/2018)
> DHA: Record date for cash dividend (29/06/2018)
> TLD: Resolution on the 2017 dividend payment (29/06/2018)