SLS: Change in Business Registration Certificate
> PVP: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2017 (01/06/2018)
> NNB: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2017 (01/06/2018)
> ITS: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2017 (consolidated) (01/06/2018)
> KDF: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2017 (01/06/2018)
> KLB: Financial Statement Quarter 4/2017 (consolidated) (01/06/2018)
> BHN: Notice of the meeting date of annual general meeting 2018 (31/05/2018)
> CCM: Corrected minutes of AGM 2018 (31/05/2018)
> BID: Change of Branch Name (31/05/2018)
> SD3: Notice of the record date for attending the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2018 (31/05/2018)
> SCY: Explanation for the Financial Statement of Quarter I of 2018 (31/05/2018)