PMJ: Time and place for General Meeting of Shareholders
- Time: 8h00, 26/06/2018 - Place: Ngoc Lan Hotel, 293 Ly Thuong Kiet str,. distr.11, Hochiminh city - Eligible participants: Shareholders on the list recorded on 05/06/2018. - Attendants are required to bring the Participation Confirmation Slip. In case of authorization, a proxy (original copy) and copy of ID card/Passport of authorizer are further requested. - Registration time: before 16h, 22/06/2018
> DLG: Board approves the documents of Annual General Meeting 2018 (11/06/2018)
> BHN: Board approves the documents of Annual General Meeting 2018 (11/06/2018)
> BQB: Change in Business Registration Certificate (11/06/2018)
> BSD: Invitation notice of attending the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2018 (11/06/2018)
> AFC: Documents for General Meeting of Shareholders (11/06/2018)
> DHC: Resolution on the 2018 AGM (11/06/2018)
> AMP: Notice of record date for AGM 2018 (11/06/2018)
> HAV: Financial Statement FY 2017 (11/06/2018)
> IPA: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018 (11/06/2018)
> HSA: Establishment of transaction office (11/06/2018)