HBC: Resolution on the 2018 AGM Hoa Binh Construction Group Joint Stock Company announces Resolution of 2018 AGM as follows:
1. Approving 2017 business results and 2018 plans:
- Total asset: 13,998.4 bil. dong
- Owner capital: 2,446.9 bil. dong
- Net revenue: 16,037.3 bil. dong
- 2017 Profit after tax of the parent company: 859.2 bil. dongs
- 2018 total revenue: 20,680 bil. dong
- 2018 Profit after tax: 1,068 bil. dongs
- Dividend: 15%
2. Approving 2017 financial statements and profit distribution:
- After paying for compensation and above-plan bonus:
+ 2017 cash dividend (5%): 64,925,378,500 dongs
+ 2017 stock dividend (50%, round down unit): 649,253,785,000 dongs
- Remaining profit: 57,445,643,674 dongs
3. Approving compensation fund for the BOD & the Supervisory Board. 4. Approving some real-estate projects. 5. Approving share issuance to staff and strategy shareholders. 6. Approving changes of the company’s Charter and Operation regulation. 7. Assigning the BOD implementing change of foreign ownership limit. 8. Approving position the Chairman cum CEO.
9. Resolution is valid as of 28 April 2018. HOSE