SBA: BODs Resolution No.05 _ 23 May 2018 Song Ba Joint Stock Company announces Resolution No.05 dated May 23, 2018 as follows:
1) Approving the business result in Q1.2018:
- Commercial Electricity output: 66.95 million kWh, achieved 107.98% of plan
- Total revenue: 80.50 billion dongs, achieved 115.15% of plan
- Total expenses: 38.49 billion dongs, achieved 100.65% of plan
- Profit before tax: 42.34 billion dongs, achieved 132.400% of plan
- Profit before tax: 38.83 billion dongs, achieved 133.07% of plan
- EPS: 644 dongs/share, achieved 133.06% of plan.
2) Approving the business plan in Q2.2018:
- Commercial Electricity Output: 32.40 million kWh
- Revenue: 41.49 billion dongs
- Total expenses: 30.41 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 11.42 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 9.74 billion dongs
- EPS: 162.0 dongs/share.
3) Approving to appoint Mr. Pham Phong as CEO as from June 01, 2018. HOSE